Melanoma – Types, Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment

Melanoma – Types, Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment

Melanoma is a condition that affects the melanocyte cells that cause pigmentation of the skin. In this disease, malignant cells form in the pigment-producing cells. It is usually caused by long exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The first sign of melanoma is an irregular mole on the skin. The cancer spreads from the mole to the lymph nodes and may eventually spread to other organs.

Melanoma is the type of skin cancer that causes the most number of fatalities. Hence, learning about melanoma and its prevention, symptoms, and treatment is essential to understand this disease early and increase your chances of survival.

Types of melanoma
The different types of melanoma are:

Nodular melanoma
This type of melanoma manifests itself as a growth or a bump on the skin. It may later spread to nearby areas.

Superficial melanoma
It’s the most commonly-occurring variety of melanoma. The brown-colored moles, typical in this type of melanoma, often have unusual borders and are elevated.

Lentigo-maligna melanoma
This type of melanoma is mostly noticed in parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. As you grow old, your chances of getting this variety of melanoma increase.

Acral-lentiginous melanoma
This is more commonly found in people with dark skin. It manifests itself in regions of the body which do not get much sunlight exposure, such as the soles of the feet or the palms of the hand.

Ocular melanoma
This type of melanoma affects the eye and may interfere with one’s vision.

Amelanotic melanoma
This is a rare form of melanoma that is hard to detect because it does not have any pigment.

Desmoplastic melanoma
This commonly affects old people. The symptoms are noticed on the surface of the head and neck.

Metastatic melanoma
This name is given to melanoma once it spreads from the site of origin to the surrounding lymph nodes and organs. It may be challenging to treat at this point.

What causes melanoma?
Melanoma is mainly caused due to exposure to sunlight. Sunlight causes ultraviolet radiation, which may cause damage to the skin cells. This might cause the cells to divide and multiply at an uncontrolled pace and manner. When the genes no longer know how to divide and grow properly, it may lead to cancer.

Longer exposure to sunlight increases your chances of developing melanoma. Small children experiencing sunburns might suffer from melanoma. This condition is more common in people with fair skin. However, it affects people with dark skin as well.

Having several moles on your skin also increases your risks of developing melanoma. If these moles are exposed to the sun for a long time, they might turn into melanoma moles. You should monitor these moles for irregularities in size, shape, color, and border.

Family history is another contributing factor. If any of your blood relatives have been diagnosed with melanoma at some point in their lives, chances are high for you as well. The doctor usually checks your family’s health history while conducting diagnostic tests for melanoma. It is important to understand the causes to learn more about melanoma and its prevention, symptoms, and treatments.

To limit your risks of developing melanoma, you shouldn’t expose yourself to the sun for long periods. If neglected, it can turn out to be a life-threatening condition.