Top Home Remedies to get Rid of Acne

Top Home Remedies to get Rid of Acne

Though a temporary phenomenon, acne can leave many of us distressed. One should remember to let acne run its course and that there’s nothing to worry about. This is because there are several natural anti-acne skin care tips. One should visit a doctor only if there is a severe breakout or if the acne is infected or has turned reddish and if pus spots are visible. Remember, picking or pinching acne can leave scars. Do not dabble with too many products as they can contain harsh chemicals, which can do more harm than good. Here are a few anti-acne skin care tips that can help you treat the early acne from the comfort of your home.

Squeeze out some toothpaste on a Q-tip or a piece of cotton and place it on individual acne and go to sleep. Wash it with cool water in the morning. Repeat it for three to four days to see a reduction in symptoms.

Coconut oil
Go to the kitchen and warm (don’t heat) organic coconut oil. Dip your index and middle fingers in the oil and gently massage the areas with the oil. Do not rub. Gently massage in circles around the acne. Most of the oil would be absorbed in the morning and if there is, wash with mild soap.

Baking soda
Baking soda is available in every home as it is used extensively in baking and in cleaning too. Mix baking soda and water to a smooth paste. Take about ½ to 1 teaspoon of baking soda and add a few drops of water to make a thick but smooth paste. Let it be for a few minutes and rinse with cool water. Do not do this remedy if the breakout is severe and if blood or pus has formed in your acne — visit a doctor under such circumstances.

Rosewater can instantly soothe painful and itchy acne. It also helps the skin to cool down. Mix with ground sandalwood powder or with organic sandalwood oil, and dab it on the acne with a piece of cotton or a Q-tip.

Apply some chilled yogurt on acne and leave it for about 10 to 20 minutes. Avoid this if you have allergies or any sinus-related conditions as this remedy can trigger bouts of coughing or sneezing.

Things to keep in mind if you have acne
Now that you know of some natural skin care tips that can help reduce acne, you should keep a few things in mind.

  • Wash your face at least twice daily. Do not rub vigorously. Do not use face wash that has chemicals. Use homemade soaps whose ingredients have anti-acne properties.
  • Carefully watch and observe what is triggering your acne. Keep track of what you eat and make a journal. Avoid those foods and drinks that trigger acne.
  • There are plenty of cosmetic products that have flooded the market. One should be wary of such products as they could trigger reactions. Watch if any skincare product is resulting in acne and avoid it.
  • Talk to your doctor if there is no improvement in your condition. Eat a diet that is recommended. The doctor is also likely to recommend supplements if you have some vitamin or mineral deficiencies.