Top 6 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Top 6 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

Adopting small changes and hacks at home can help relieve symptoms of certain conditions, but they might not be good enough to stop a runny nose, cough, or sore throat. Some natural remedies for cold and flu are mentioned below.

Saltwater gargle
Heat water to a mild temperature. Add some rock salt and gargle first thing in the morning. This will help the mucus in the throat, sinus, and the nose to loosen up. You can do this three to four times a day before you eat or drink anything. Gargling on a full stomach can lead to nausea.

If there is anything one can rely on for relief from cold and flu, it is a good 10 minutes of steam inhalation. If you do not have a steamer, just heat water in a wide-mouthed bowl until vapor starts rising. Cover yourself and the bowl with a thick cloth and inhale the steam. This is very effective in releasing the sinus. You can add essential oils for a better effect. Be very careful, as you do not want to scald yourself with hot water.

People suffering from flu can experience nausea. If you are looking to treat flu and cold without medication, ginger is your go-to solution. You can add fresh ginger to teas, fruit juices, while dry ginger can be added to broth and herbal teas. It also helps in relieving any bloating or gas. Homemade ginger ale can help clear the throat. You should make ginger ale when you have time. Store-bought ginger ale can contain sugar and other additives, which can irritate the throat and bring on more cough.

Mix ¼ teaspoon of ground pepper with ¾ tsp of honey and have it after you gargle. Consuming this mixture twice a day for about 2 or 3 days can help relieve sore throat and cough. It also acts as an expectorant and helps bring out phlegm. Once the phlegm begins to loosen up, you will feel your symptoms improving. You can also add honey to herbal teas instead of sugar. You can also infuse garlic with honey.

Garlic has been used as medicine in the East for many centuries. It has a combination of chemicals that can help build immunity, and fight the flu and cold-causing viruses. Raw garlic can help sinuses and helps expel mucus from the body. Crush one clove of garlic; allow it to sit for 10 minutes and eat it raw. You can also prepare garlic vinegar: Combine two bulbs of peeled garlic, ¼-cup honey, 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and fill a ¾ full bottle. Shake once in a while and let it sit for 2 to 3 days. Take a teaspoon of this liquid once you begin to feel symptoms of sore throat or cough. You can also use garlic powder and garlic-infused oil for additional impact.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps promote immunity. Including food items that are rich in Vitamin C can help faster healing. Include peppers, oranges or orange juice, grapefruit, and kiwi in your diet. Vitamin C is full of flavonoids, which help improve respiratory conditions. Include berries of all colors and purple grapes. You can drink the juice of fruits that are rich in Vitamin C, without adding sugar. You can steam vegetables like broccoli and dark leafy vegetables and add to salads.

You can include food items that are rich in minerals and vitamins that help you recover. Zinc lozenges, herbal teas, also are some natural remedies for cold and flu.