Top 5 Cons of Buying Over Renting Furniture

Top 5 Cons of Buying Over Renting Furniture

Having a variety of furniture at home or office that serves several purposes is a prerequisite of interior design. The right furniture can simplify your tasks, add value to your lifestyle, and save money in the long run. However, most individuals are caught up between renting vs. buying furniture. There are several pros and cons of renting furniture covered in previous articles.

We also know the advantages of buying furniture has over renting. However, it’s not always the ideal solution. Here is the other side of the pros and cons of buying vs. renting furniture you should consider.

Disadvantages of Buying Furniture
There are a few loopholes of buying furniture you need to check before making a decision. These factors could decide whether you save more or pay more.

  • Large Initial Investment
    This is the biggest hurdle you have to encounter by buying furniture upfront. There are situations you may not have sufficient cash to buy. Hence, you end up buying in EMIs that often attract high interests. The result is, you will end up paying more than the actual cost. You may also go for cheap-quality furniture that needs replacement over time. This also forces you to shed additional money.
  • Assembly Required
    Brand-new furniture comes as separate parts that need assembling. You may need to assemble it yourself that can be cumbersome. You also need to arrange for the transport of the furniture. This can add up to a hefty amount. In the case of rented furniture, it often gets delivered to your doorstep.
  • Replacing Isn’t Economical
    Looking at the pros and cons of buying vs. renting furniture, replacing furniture you purchased incurs losses. While you can make some money by replacing your furniture, the amount received is much less than the purchase price. Moreover, upgrading to new furniture demands out-of-pocket expenses that double the overheads.
  • Upgrading Stressful
    When you buy new furniture, there are chances that a newer model will be available in the near future. With renting, you can replace it on completing the contract without much expenditure. However, buying furniture is more expensive and upgrading frequently is stressful, financially and lifestyle-wise. You often see others having new and better furniture while you are left with the outdated ones. And, selling outdated furniture is extremely stressful since there are hardly any buyers. Overall, it’s a burden on your finances.
  • Not Ideal for Growing Companies
    As for offices, buying furniture is an additional expense, especially when it’s a new office on the verge of expanding. The growth is unpredictable and the number of employees who join is also uncertain. By buying furniture, you are forced to keep it idle when there is not enough manpower to use it. The pros and cons of buying vs. renting furniture play a critical role in this regard.

It’s advisable to consider all the factors like lifestyle, usage, and functionality before choosing to either buy or rent furniture. A clear picture helps make sound decisions that save you big bucks in the long run.