Symptoms and Triggers of Food Allergies in Cats

Symptoms and Triggers of Food Allergies in Cats

Cats are one of the popular pets; they are intelligent and you can train them easily. Moreover, they live longer than most other pet. However, many cats are more prone to allergies. Not only through food, allergies can develop because of contact, flea, and inhalation.

Contact allergies are not common and can prevent flea-related allergies with good care. Inhalation and food allergies are more common in cats. Inhalants are sometimes beyond our control whereas food allergies are something that every cat parent can watch carefully and prevent.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of food allergies in cats:

Loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea is one of the first symptoms that you will notice if the food is causing an allergy. Vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration and consequently, you will see them weak and fatigued. With strain on the gastrointestinal system, flatulence and bloating are also common. Constant itching and scratching, specifically around the ears, are the symptoms of food allergies. Other changes that you can see are fever and frequent bouts of sneezing. You can also notice ulcers in the mouth and tongue. Tears and discharge from the eyes and nose are also common. Sometimes, cats can exhibit breathing difficulties and you will be able to see them breathing with their mouths open. You would also notice that they are not their usual self and can show signs of lethargy or aggression even to members of the family. If the symptoms are ignored, it can lead to paralysis and severe symptoms in older cats.

Triggers of food allergies
Siamese cats require energy, nutrition, and animal protein and fat. Siamese cats cannot digest carbs and hence, their diet normally does not contain carbs. This is why diets that contain carbs could lead to allergies. Most cat parents prefer to buy readymade food. Among the most common allergens, chemicals additives and food preservatives are at the top. Synthetic food coloring can also cause allergies and intolerances in cats.

As Siamese cats grow older, the food that they have been eating over time can also cause reactions. Protein like fish, meat, and lamb can trigger allergies. Some less expensive, readymade food can contain vegetables and cornmeal along with animal protein. Siamese cats are highly prone to allergies due to cornmeal. Excessive quantities of dairy-rich cat food or treats can cause allergies. Siamese cats lack enzymes that can digest or break down the lactose.

Most believe that cats are fond of fish. However, fish can trigger one or more of the symptoms of food allergies. Meat products that are not consumed by humans are ground and added to pet food to reduce cost and increase quantity. Cats can develop allergies to such food.

Many cats also develop the habit of feeding on tidbits from human food. There are many ingredients in human food that can also cause allergies to Siamese cats.