Top Foods That Contribute to Cancer

Top Foods That Contribute to Cancer

Risk factors of cancer are many. They largely include environmental conditions as well as genetic factors. However, research has repeatedly proven that diet can curb 70% of the chances of cancer.

As physicians more often advise people to focus on their diet to prevent cancer, there must be solid proof to justify the relation of food with cancer. Processed meat, alcohol, and hot beverages contain chemical compounds that directly cause cancer, and these are termed carcinogens.

Here is a detailed explanation for avoiding foods that may contribute to cancer:

Processed food
Processed food includes smoking, charring, and adding preservatives to any food item, like red meat. These foods are harmful as they elevate the risk of causing colorectal cancer. The reason is that such meat contains an increased quantity of nitrates that affect the colon and rectal passage in men.

Calcium intake
Consumption of a higher amount of calcium can reduce the risk of cancer. This is because calcium builds a protective lining over the GI tract. This happens as it binds itself to all the fatty and bile acids. So keep your daily intake of calcium somewhere between 500 to 1,000 mg. Also, avoid food items rich in oxalic acid and caffeine. They reduce the absorption of calcium in your body along with foods that may contribute to cancer.

Glycemic index (GI) diet
The goodness of carbohydrates depends on its source and the amount of sugars it gives away to the bloodstream. Foods or drinks filled with sugars have high GI rates and consuming them, increases the risk of prostate cancer by 88%. The other side of the story suggests that if you consume low GI foods, then it reduces the risk of colorectal and prostate cancer.

Cancer and being overweight
One way of preventing cancer is by managing your weight. Maintaining a lean body helps you to avoid the invasion of cancer. Being overweight and obese slows down your metabolism. It also makes you prone to more common forms of cancer. An overweight person has a higher chance of developing liver, gallbladder, and kidney cancer. Such people usually consume foods that may contribute to cancer. As per a theory obtained from a study in Lancet (2014), every 34 pounds of increase in weight from the normal range, elevates the chances of cancer by 10%.

How will you cut down carcinogens from food?
A healthy diet will not let you smoke, frequently consume alcohol, and instead include exercises in your daily routine. These play a vital role in shaping your body to fight off diseases and become immune to cancer. As a fact, consume some fruits and raw vegetables every day. You can flavor them with herbs and not with processed spices. Wash fruits and vegetables well before steaming them.

Thus, the best thing about refraining yourself from the foods that may contribute to cancer is that it prevents the carcinogens from entering your body. Besides, taking care of the way healthy food is prepared also greatly adds to the prevention of cancer.