Symptoms and Common Treatment Techniques for Breast Cancer

Symptoms and Common Treatment Techniques for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women throughout the world. Although there are men who also develop breast cancer, women are 100 times more likely to get it. This type of cancer affects the mammary glands and slowly spreads to the lymph nodes and from there, to distant regions of the body.

Each year, about 266,000 new cases of breast cancer are reported in the country. A woman has a 12.5% chance of getting breast cancer during her life. Regular screening techniques can detect the presence of cancerous tumors in the breast, after which the oncologist can recommend some common treatments for breast cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer
The most noticeable symptom of breast cancer is the formation of a lump in the tissue surrounding the breast. Cancer forming in the milk ducts leads to the formation of a visible lump that can be felt. Other symptoms include:

  • Change in the structure and mass of the breast
  • Skin irritation
  • Abnormal discharge from the nipple
  • Pain in the breast
  • Redness and thickening of the breast skin
  • Swelling all over the breast or in certain areas
  • The skin near the breast getting peeled off

Common treatments for breast cancer can be recommended by the doctor based on the symptoms the patient is suffering from. A variety of screening techniques are used to detect the presence of a lump or a tumor in the breasts.

Treatment techniques
Depending on the symptoms and at what stage the cancer is in, common treatments for breast cancer can be used to eliminate cancer as much as possible and hopefully prevent it from recurring. Some of the treatment techniques are:

This procedure can be applied if the cancer is still in the early stages. The cancerous part of the breast is removed by a surgical procedure. If it is limited to just a tumor and some tissues surrounding it, then only that part is removed following a procedure known as lumpectomy. If cancer has spread further, the entire breast may need removal. This procedure is known as a mastectomy.

Hormone therapy
This involves using medicine to prevent certain hormones from acting as a catalyst for the development of cancerous cells. Hormones such as estrogen promote the growth of cancer cells, and weakening these hormones may prevent breast cancer from occurring. Medications such as exemestane, anastrozole, and tamoxifen are used for this purpose.

This is one of the common treatments for breast cancer, where certain medications are introduced into the body to strengthen the immune system. These include pertuzumab, trastuzumab, and lapatinib.

This involves medicine taken orally or injected through the veins which kills the cancer cells.

Radiation therapy
In this procedure, targeted radiation is used to destroy the cancer cell. Side effects associated with radiation therapy are felt only in the affected areas.

Palliative care
This involves therapy procedures for reducing pain from other treatment procedures.

Breast cancer is a serious condition, and you should consult your oncologist immediately if you experience any of the symptoms. With proper care and treatment, this deadly disease can be contained or cured.