Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis C

Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver infection that causes inflammation of the liver. When the liver suffers inflammation, its normal functions are affected. With time, it may lead to liver cirrhosis, and total liver failure, and even cancer. A blood-borne virus, HCV spreads via blood contact and enters the body, hijacking the cells and multiplying rapidly.

Hepatitis C can cause short-term ailment, but in most cases, the virus remains dormant in the body and symptoms and early warning signs of hepatitis C are noticed only when the liver has already been damaged. Unlike hepatitis A and hepatitis B, there are no vaccines for hepatitis C.

How can hepatitis C be prevented
Since there are no vaccines for hepatitis C, it can only be prevented by making some changes to your lifestyle. The most obvious prevention strategy is to avoid exposure to the HCV virus. Some of the common prevention techniques include:

  • Avoid sharing needles with infected people.
  • Cutting down or entirely quitting cigarettes.
  • Following a healthy diet and getting enough exercise in order to keep your weight in check.
  • Avoiding alcoholic drinks.
  • Before using a needle, make sure it is sterilized.
  • Use protection while engaging in sexual intercourse with another person.
  • If you are a healthcare professional, use protective covering like gloves and get rid of contaminated articles following protocol.
  • If you are using needles to inject prescriptions, do not share it with other people, or better do not use them at all.
  • Do not share personal care items like toothbrushes, nail cutters, and razors with an infected person.

If you start to notice any early warning signs of hepatitis C, it might be too late to try and prevent the disease, but you can also opt from among the various treatment programs available that have great success rates.

Treatment for hepatitis C
Common treatment techniques for hepatitis C include:

  • Medications such as peginterferon, interferon, and ribavirin can be used to boost your system and help it fight the disease.
  • A newly developed medicine known as Daclatasvir can be used with Sofosbuvir. Side effects include fatigue and slowing down of heart rate.
  • Pibrentasvir and Glecaprevir can be used in combination to treat hepatitis C. Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue.
  • Harvoni is a revolutionary medication that was the first substitute for interferon. Insomnia, stomach ache, and diarrhea are some of the known side effects.
  • Sofosbuvir and Simeprevir can be used in combination to treat people with HCV type 1. Side effects include photosensitivity, skin rashes, stomach ache, and insomnia.
  • Epclusa is another medication that is extremely effective in treating hepatitis C. But it should always be taken after consulting a doctor since it can lower the heart rate.

One should not ignore the early warning signs of hepatitis C since it is a potentially lethal disease. It causes great discomfort and reduces the quality of life, but it can be treated successfully with medication.