Lifestyle Changes to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Lifestyle Changes to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Irrespective of age, erectile dysfunction is a problem that affects men all around the globe. A universally dreaded condition, erectile dysfunction (ED) can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Some of the major treatment options for erectile dysfunction are medications used for ED and surgery. However, in a lot of cases, it is not important to go as far as surgical treatment options. Natural remedies for erectile dysfunction can help in eliminating the dreaded condition. There are quite a lot of simple ways that are non-invasive and can act as natural cures for erectile dysfunction.

A 2014 study suggested that healthy lifestyle changes are incredibly capable of reversing erectile dysfunction. Even in the scenario where medication is absolutely required to solve the problem, it has been proven that when combined with these natural cures, the medication can provide better results in curing the problem. Some of these natural cures for erectile dysfunction are as follows:

  • Getting abundant sleep: It has been observed that one of the major causes of erectile dysfunction can be poor sleep patterns. According to the findings published in major studies, it was observed that there is a clear relationship between sleep and the levels of sex hormones, such as testosterone, and sexual function. It was seen that the levels of testosterone increased when the quantity and quality of sleep improved. When these metrics of sleep reduced, sexual dysfunction was noticed. Hormone secretion is a function that is regulated by the body’s internal clock. Getting abundant sleep and maintaining a proper pattern can help the body determine the release of these hormones when required.
  • Quitting smoking: One of the most important remedies that work for curing erectile dysfunction is quitting the habit of smoking. In addition to helping with the problem of curing erectile dysfunction, getting rid of this habit can also be beneficial to the body in so many other ways. If ED is caused in men due to any vascular problems, which is reduced blood flow caused by narrowing or blockage of arteries, then quitting smoking can be particularly helpful. Smokeless tobacco can also narrow the blood vessels, and therefore won’t be helpful in reducing the problem unless the entire habit is gotten rid of.
  • Monitoring alcohol consumption: One of the ways in which an erection is maintained is by the release of nitric oxide in the blood vessels. The release of nitric oxide leads to the increase of blood pressure in the blood vessels, which leads to the maintenance of the erection. The central nervous system is responsible for this sequence of actions and starts the action by the release of nitric oxide. Alcohol is clearly known to be a depressant. If the quantity of alcohol consumed is significantly high, it is capable of causing both temporary and long-term erectile dysfunction as it would lead to an ineffective release of nitric oxide. When sufficient nitric oxide is not released, erectile dysfunction can occur.