Things to Know About Exercising With Asthma

Things to Know About Exercising With Asthma

Asthma can cause serious complications and interfere significantly with an individual’s life. While the symptoms and the attacks have the capability of becoming serious, it should be known that the treatment options available for asthma focus on ensuring that the individual adheres to a lifestyle that is healthy. This lifestyle would include physical activities and exercise that are vital for the normal functioning of every individual.

However, as asthma is a condition that can interfere with breathing, it is very common for patients suffering from asthma to have a lot of questions in their minds as to how to go about exercising in a way that doesn’t trigger any unwanted situations. Lifestyle tips for managing asthma can be beneficial, but patients may have some concerns regarding exercising when suffering from asthma. The following are some of the most common questions that asthma patients may have:

Is exercise and physical activity beneficial to asthma?
Having a regular workout schedule can be extremely beneficial for asthma patients. Regular exercise can help people suffering with asthma by improving the functioning of their lungs; boosting their immune system to fight against various other problems such as cold; helping in weight loss, thereby reducing the increased odds of asthma attacks caused by obesity; and by releasing hormones and transmitters that can help the individual feel better. This helps in tackling stress or anxiety that may be attached with asthma.

What workouts are suggested to improve asthma and which ones should be avoided?
Activities that help the individual exert themselves physically for short time periods can be helpful. These could be solo activities of mild intensities such as biking, hiking, and walking. Team sports such as baseball, gymnastics, and volleyball are also some good examples of lifestyle tips for managing asthma.

However, physical activities that would need the individual to exert themselves for long durations all at once might not be advisable. Sports such as basketball, track and field events, field hockey, soccer can be difficult for the individual and could trigger adverse reactions. Cold-weather sports such as ice skating, cross-country skiing, ice hockey might also trigger unwanted reactions in individuals suffering from asthma. However, asthma patients can still participate in such activities under adequate supervision.

How can individuals keep asthma under control while exercising?
Make sure to consult your doctor regarding the exercise so as to put together an action plan to be prepared for it. This action plan can give a detailed explanation of what one should do before the activity and how to handle the situation if any symptoms arise through the activity. Individuals should make sure to take any medication that has been prescribed to them to be taken before the activity.

Time should be allotted for proper warm-up exercises and for cooling down after the activity. It is advisable that certain kinds of protection be taken for cold-weather activities such as wearing a scarf or mask as and when required. Individuals should follow the pace they are comfortable with instead of exerting them to the greatest levels immediately.