Lifestyle Changes to Help Dyskinesia and Tremors

Lifestyle Changes to Help Dyskinesia and Tremors

People diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease have to suffer through various problems such as the involuntary movement of body parts, like the hand and tongue, and stiffness in the body. Unfortunately, society is not always very understanding, causing the affected person further stress. Changing certain lifestyle factors can have major effects on the treatment options available for dyskinesia and tremors.

One of the main ways of improving the symptoms of the disease is to engage in regular physical exercise. Regular movement of the body can improve the functionality of the joints and muscles (reducing stiffness), it also helps to strengthen the body. This improves the affected person’s health and mental wellbeing. Going out for fresh air can work wonders to curb anxiety and depression. Exercise is one of the most effective treatment options for dyskinesia and tremors. Doctors also recommend physical therapists to try new and fun exercises, such as dancing, stretching, swimming, and gardening.
Proper exercise also helps with balance and flexibility. People suffering from Parkinson’s disease should follow walking exercises. Moving too quickly can cause issues with balance. People who are affected by this disease also tend to shuffle a lot while walking. They should be aware of their posture and try to walk straighter.

Keeping nutrition in mind, when affected by this condition, is of utmost importance. Changing certain food ingredients can help make some of the symptoms less severe. Drinking a lot of water helps with constipation and so does eating fibrous foods like lentils, green leafy vegetables, banana, and almonds. Anyone suffering from Parkinson’s needs to have a balanced diet to receive all the required nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and calcium.

Avoiding falls
With this disease, the people face problems in walking and performing normal movements. In the advanced stages, this problem can get worse and people may lose their balance more often. A person needs to avoid doing certain things, such as walking backward or carrying anything heavy. They should be careful with leaning their weight unequally. While turning around, the affected person should do a long u-turn instead of pivoting on the spot, as that would work against their balance.

Daily activities
People with Parkinson’s disease have a problem performing various normal activities such as dressing in the morning, eating by themselves, writing, or bathing. Changes can be introduced in these areas with the assistance of a physical therapist.

While there are various treatment methods for dyskinesia and tremors available to the people suffering from Parkinson’s, none of them can completely cure the disease. The main objective is to provide the affected person with a better and easier lifestyle. It is important to properly discuss every feature of the treatment plan with their doctor.