Essential Oil Treatments to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks in Dogs

Essential Oil Treatments to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks in Dogs

If you have been taking preventive measures and keeping your dog clean and healthy, they would be mostly pest-free. But, if your pet spends time outdoors, they could be prone to the infestation of fleas and ticks. Ticks and fleas especially spread faster in moist and humid conditions.

Essential oil treatments as sprays, diffusers, and cleaning shampoos and flea and tick collars are better options than harsh chemicals. These remedies are affordable and can be used safely, as they don’t harm the dog or the environment of your home.

Lavender, lemongrass, cedarwood, and citronella oils are known to have powerful insect-repellent properties and these are effective in fighting fleas and ticks. However, undiluted essential oils are highly potent. They have to be used in diluted forms after consultation with the vet.

Some good home remedies with essential oils that can treat pest infestation in your dogs:

Essential oil spray
To make this spray with essential oil, dilute the oil before use. Add ten drops each of lemongrass oil and citronella oil, a cup of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of clove oil or cedarwood oil to a jar or a spray bottle of lemon water. To make lemon water, a slice of lemon can be left overnight in a quart of water. This spray can be refrigerated and used once in a week. While using sprays, care should be taken so that it does not get into your dog’s eyes. It is best to apply the spray on your hand and wipe over your dog’s face. The spray can be used every time your dog gets wet or has been in the woods. For an additional tick preventive treatment, drops of rose geranium oil can be placed in the collar and on the base of the tail. These sprays do not leave strong odors. They can be relaxing and stress-busting for you and your pet as they fight the ticks and fleas.

Essential oil in tick and flea collars
These collars work as the pesticide is around the dog’s neck. It is always better to use essential oils rather than chemicals. A few drops of the essential oil, such as citronella or lemongrass, can be added to a carrier oil like coconut, jojoba, or almond oil and then used on the collar.

Shampoo with essential oils
While giving a bath with shampoo, add a few drops of essential oil to it. Regular cleaning and bathing with such a cleanser helps to keep the coat free from fleas and ticks.

Essential oil diffuser
Essential oils can be used in a diffuser. It keeps the fleas and ticks away from the atmosphere. Diffusing an essential oil like cedar oil releases anti-parasitic molecules to the air. This gets rid of the pests. Diffusers are more preventive and keep the home less exposed to fleas and ticks. To get rid of severe flea and tick infestation, topical treatment is necessary.