Effective Home Remedies for Relief From Migraine

Effective Home Remedies for Relief From Migraine

Migraine is one of the most common types of pain felt by half the population around the globe, including both adults and children. People experiencing a migraine headache will do nearly anything to make it disappear. They aren’t the run on the mill cerebral pains but more of a neurological outcome. When you experience migraines, you need to realize that you may encounter beating agony, sickness, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea.

Regular cures are mostly a medication-free approach to decrease headache indications. These lifestyle insights may help forestall headaches, or they may at least help lessen their seriousness and length. A few alterations in our lifestyle and a bit of conscious eating will go a long way to keep these attacks less intense. Here are some home remedies for migraines.

Maintain a food diary
The type of foods you eat has a direct correlation to your headache. Every human being is different and so is everybody’s trigger point. To understand the same, you should maintain a food diary and make a mark of what you consumed just before a migraine occurs. This knowledge will help you draw a pattern of how your body functions and will clearly indicate your trigger point for migraine. Avoiding the foods or consuming less quantities can help you.

Hot water
Hot water is a big hit when you have a migraine. Sipping hot water slowly will help relieve you of your nausea. Hot water helps in cleaning your gut as well. A nice black or green tea (no lemon flavor) can soothe your pain. This lightens the stomach and enables better blood circulation. A few drops of honey added to your tea can be soothing to the throat.

Avoid dental strain
It is good to stay calm and talk less. Less munching can also help relax the nerves around your face. Make sure that you eat soft, easy to munch food instead. Soups are often your best friend when you have a migraine. A portion of boiled vegetables or a chicken breast can also be a good alternative. Avoid canned food during this time. Pickled food, which has high salt content, needs to be avoided as high salt intake during a bout of migraine can increase your blood pressure, thus aggravating the pain.

Avoid places with harsh lights
Harsh light will strain your eyes and thus your facial muscles. Any strain on facial muscles during a migraine can aggravate it. The best way to help yourself is to stay put in a dark, cool place. Heavy sunlight or tube lights can strain your nerves. If unavoidable, try using an eye mask. They are best used when chilled. Aloe vera masks are helpful too. They can be placed in your fridge. When facing a migraine attack, put this mask over your eyes and relax. It loosens the strain around your optical area.

Avoid foods rich in Vitamin C
Foods rich in Vitamin C can trigger a migraine. Lemonade, candy, cheese, citrus fruits, and any kind of fermented food are best avoided during this time. Although all green vegetables contain Vitamin C, the richer ones like spinach and bell peppers are best avoided during a migraine attack.