Effective Exercises That Help Treat Osteoporosis

Effective Exercises That Help Treat Osteoporosis

When a person suffers from osteoporosis, the bone strength significantly reduces because of the increased brittleness and the porosity of the bones. This condition can be caused by various conditions, but once it occurs, there is no cure. Hence, it is important for osteoporosis patients to make certain treatments in their lifestyle to manage the condition.

One of the most useful methods to go about treating this condition is to have a regular exercise regime to ensure that individuals achieve peak bone mass. Even if that seems like an ambitious goal to have, regular exercise can be really helpful in ensuring that the fall in bone density is significantly reduced.

It is important for patients suffering from osteoporosis to consult a doctor and their physical therapist before they begin their new workout regime. As osteoporosis causes brittle bones, the physical therapist and doctor would be able to give advice as to which exercises can be helpful and which ones should be avoided in the individual’s unique case. Based on the individual’s range of motion, fitness, gait, balance, fracture risk, muscle strength, level of physical activity, a unique plan can be crafted for the individual that fits their needs perfectly. Given below are some exercises that can act as lifestyle treatments for osteoporosis.

Muscle strengthening exercises
While osteoporosis is a condition of the bone, it is also of importance that work is done for the improvement of muscle strength. Working up the muscles and strengthening them can help in reducing the pace at which bone loss occurs. Doing so can greatly help in further reducing any fall-related fractures that occur with osteoporosis. Simple exercises that include lifting one’s own body weight such as standing and rising on toes, exercises like squats and push-ups can be done for this purpose. Equipment such as free weights, weight machines, and elastic exercise bands can also be made use of. Strength training exercises can be a part of the workout regime twice or thrice in a week.

Weight-bearing exercises
These are the types of exercises that are done on the feet so that the bones and muscles function against gravity to ensure an upright position of the body. These exercises are of great help as they push the bones to react to the weight. Doing so helps in building the bone strength, making the bones stronger. Weight-bearing exercises are generally of two types — high and low impact. High impact exercises include workouts such as hiking, jogging, brisk walking, dancing, climbing stairs, aerobic steps, tennis, and other racket sports. Low impact exercises include workouts such as stair-step machines, walking, elliptical training machines, etc.

Non-impact exercises
While these exercises don’t directly increase bone strength, they help in the management of osteoporosis by preventing other complications such as avoiding falls and subsequent fractures. These workouts include exercises like tai chi. This can strengthen the muscles in the legs and increase balance, thereby avoiding any random falls.