Easy Exercises to Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Easy Exercises to Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Though multiple sclerosis can make exercising difficult due to increased amounts of pain, adding exercise to your daily routine, though hard, in the beginning, will pay off in the long run. It is better to exercise than to use pain as an excuse to stay off exercising. The first step to fixing an exercise routine or pattern is to identify the pain that you have. Focus on the parts of the body that need to be activated. You can consult a physiotherapist and a physical trainer to choose an exercise plan, which suits your needs. Ensure these physical lifestyle changes are not overdone as it may cause other complications to occur. Exercise gives you the strength to manage the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Some of the suggestions based on your condition are given below:

Aerobic exercises
Aerobic exercises increase the heart rate and are good to improve lung capacity. The core muscles are strengthened. The most amazing benefit of aerobic exercise is that it elevates your mood and leaves you feeling more positive and energetic. Aerobic exercises improve blood flow to all parts of the body and promote better heart health. Exercises like walking help to strengthen the legs as well. These exercises help to improve the quality of life.

Strength training
Strength training is great to improve muscle strength and posture. When living with multiple sclerosis it is essential to adapt some strength training and endurance activities to your exercise schedule as multiple sclerosis can negatively affect your muscle strength and endurance. Work with a therapist to figure out a personalized exercise routine that suits you and helps you work out without tiring you.

Yoga is a refreshing mind-body practice that stretches, strengthens and relaxes your body at the same time. Yoga helps to improve flexibility and calms your mind. You can relieve your body of stiffness and muscle weakness. Loss of mobility can be addressed by doing yoga. Yoga can be done by anyone, irrespective of their physical condition. Poses have to be modified to suit your needs. You can do certain yoga poses even when sitting in a wheelchair or lying in bed. Research has proved that even a 6-week yoga program helped to improve physical performance and the quality of life in adults with multiple sclerosis. Ensure that you work with a qualified yoga teacher who knows how to teach those with multiple sclerosis.

Swimming is an exercise with the least resistance on the body. Being in water prevents the body from heating up and is beneficial as overheating of the body worsens MS symptoms. The feeling of weightlessness creates an excellent condition for low-impact exercise. Water is a medium that calms the mind too. Besides swimming, you can try water aerobics and stretching in the water. Swimming and water sports are suitable for people of all ages.

Martial arts
Gentle martial arts like Tai chi help you to relax, focus and concentrate. Tai chi focuses on gentle movements with a focus on breathing. It is a fun-filled activity when done in groups. Tai chi helps to lower blood pressure and relieve stress as well.

Whichever form of exercise you incorporate in your lifestyle make sure that it does not stress out your body and increase pain and fatigue. Initially, most exercises may cause pain, but in due course, your body will adapt to it and your body and mind will reap the benefits of the lifestyle changes.