Diagnosis and Preventive Measures of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Diagnosis and Preventive Measures of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

A common disease that affects the kidneys, bladder, and urethra is urinary tract infection (UTI). This condition can be cured with antibiotics and some home remedies at the initial stage. Symptoms like pelvic pain, frequent urination, and blood in the urine are some of the early warning signs of the condition. A diagnosis by the doctor can confirm any suspicions. Women who have had UTI previously may be able to understand the early warning signs better. If you have it, you need to continue to take care and maintain proper hygiene so that it does not arrive again.

Conducting tests to confirm UTI
After reviewing the symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI) and its early warning signs, the doctor conducts a few tests to confirm the infection. This may be followed by medications. The tests include:

  • Urinalysis
  • Urine culture
  • Cystoscope
  • Magnetic resonance imaging or CT scan

Treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI)
The less complicated early warning signs of urinary tract infection (UTI) can be cured by a dose of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor for three to four days. On the other hand, if the infection is severe, it may last for a week and may require oral or intravenous antibiotics. However, you may take alternatives like foods rich in vitamin C and unsweetened cranberry juice.

Severe complications arise if the infection is untreated
If you treat the early warning signs of urinary tract infection (UTI), it does not follow any complications, but ignoring the minor symptoms may cause severe complications.

  • Urinary infections are frequent among women if left untreated
  • Chronic kidney infection
  • Pregnant women give birth to premature babies or infants with low weight
  • Urethral narrowing
  • Sepsis, if the infection spreads from the bladder to kidneys

Steps to prevent the disease
The few preventive measures of urinary tract infection (UTI) and its early warning signs include:

  • Stop holding your urine for long periods
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to wash away the toxins and maintain kidney health
  • Clean genitals after and before sex.
  • It is advisable to use condoms
  • Always urinate after sex to empty the tract
  • Wear soft, breathable cotton underpants to prevent settling of moisture
  • Drink unsweetened cranberry juice
  • Cleaning and drying from front to back after each urine and bowels would keep you away from bacterial infections
  • Avoid usage of feminine cosmetic products like sprays and powders in and around the genitals
  • Avoid birth control products like spermicide and diaphragm as they induce bacterial growth
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes
  • Try to use a water-based lubricant during intercourse if you are suffering from vaginal dryness
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, citrus juices, and caffeine as they irritate the bladder

As you notice the symptoms of UTI, do not leave the infection untreated and consult a doctor to start an antibiotic treatment. Also, please do not stop it halfway, as there are chances to revive the disease that might make the situation worse. Drinking plenty of water and taking proper medications with regular checkups may help prevent the infection.