Common Causes and Early Signs of Hep C

Common Causes and Early Signs of Hep C

Hepatitis C is a type of chronic liver disease, caused by the hepatitis C (or HCV) virus. Hepatitis C is typically contracted via exposure to the blood of an infected individual. If left untreated for a long period, hep C may cause liver damage, including cancer of the liver, liver failure, and cirrhosis. Researchers have observed that new cases of the disease are often caused by sharing needles, or using unsterile tattoo, piercing, surgical or dental equipment.

Hepatitis C often goes undiagnosed for many years because symptoms are usually very mild in the early stages. The following symptoms of hep C may range from mild to severe:

1. Intermittent stomach pain
The liver is located on the right side of the abdomen, just on the rib cage. When the liver is inflamed, it can lead to discomfort and pain.

2. Reduced appetite
Since the liver is an integral part of the body’s digestive system, hepatitis C can cause poor appetite.

3. Itchy skin
Although itching is not harmful, it is dangerous since a minor open wound can bring about infections. If the liver cannot filter toxins in the blood, it is normal for the skin to itch.

4. Fever
The existence of fever indicates that the body has infections that it is trying to eliminate. Since viral germs are generally intolerant to high temperatures, the body’s immune system uses fever to kill the invading pathogens.

5. Joint pain
The liver’s decreased ability to eliminate accumulating toxins from the body can give rise to swelling leading to joint pain.

6. Dark urine
Normal urine should be clear with a slightly yellowish inch. Hepatitis C prohibits the liver from properly functioning, bringing about dark urine.

Hepatitis C can be transferred from one person to another through blood transfusion, sharing contaminated needles, having unprotected sex, and via infected mom to baby during delivery.
Thanks to RX discount coupons, which the American Liver Foundation developed to assist affected patients, hep c sufferers can purchase any drug for this particular disease in more than 63,000 pharmacies. The Rx discount savings enable people to save up to 80% on prescription prices. Humana hep C treatment is also significant because they cooperate with Gilead sciences to offer the newest HCV drugs to patients. Hepatitis c is frequently referred to as a silent killer because many individuals are unaware of its presence until the disease is at the advanced stage. Hepatitis C is considered the most serious of the hepatitis viruses.