9 Human Foods That are Safe for Cats

9 Human Foods That are Safe for Cats

Although many people do it, feeding human foods to a cat can be very dangerous. Doing so can cause symptoms of cat toxicity like anemia, muscle tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure, or possibly even death. Even the common practice of giving felines milk is harmful since their digestive systems are not equipped to handle lactose. In fact, the only time cats should have their mother’s milk is as kittens.

There are, however, some human foods that can be safe for your cat to consume. Here is a list of kitty-friendly people foods:

1. Eggs
Properly cooked eggs are an excellent source of Vitamin B and protein. Many cat food lines contain eggs in them. This is a healthy choice as long as the eggs have been cooked.

2. Chicken, turkey, and salmon
Cats stick predominantly to a carnivorous diet. Chicken, turkey, and salmon, ingredients often found in manufactured cat food products, are a safe option. Just be sure to cook it thoroughly and remove the skin before serving it. The meat should never contain any seasonings.

3. Spinach
Unless your kitty has a history of bladder stones, spinach is a safe, nutrient-rich food that can be added to its diet. Full of vitamins A, C, and K along with calcium and iron, it is a top-ranked natural food for your pet.

4. Oatmeal
With protein, fiber, and vitamin B, unflavored plain oatmeal is a good source of energy for your cat. Oatmeal is frequently used in commercial cat foods as well.

5. Hard cheeses
In small quantities, hard cheeses like cheddar, Swiss, or Gouda can be used as a treat on their own or baked into food for your feline.

6. Bananas
With loads of potassium and high soluble fiber content, bananas make a healthy treat for your cat.

7. Peas
Frozen or raw, you can feed peas to your cat. With vitamins A, C, and lots of fiber, these, too, are among the list of human foods found in commercial cat food products.

8. Cantaloupe and blueberries
Blueberries contain vitamins A and C and are enjoyable to cats fresh or frozen, while cantaloupe contains beta-carotene and is high in antioxidants. Nibbling on these will help your cat’s eye health and skin.

9. Apples and pumpkin
These fruits are high in fiber and recommended in particular for cats who struggle with irregular stool issues. Be sure to peel and de-core the apple or puree the pumpkin before feeding it to kitty.

Some cats do not like people food. Be sure to introduce new foods slowly before you begin offering them regularly as part of their nutrition plan. Some pets experience some gastrointestinal discomfort when they try new foods. Make sure you’re not adding any seasonings to the items. Offer a variety and let them choose what they like. If your cat starts to gain weight, scale back on treats and quantity. Always keep your veterinarian informed on what your pet is eating and follow their advice for your specific pet.