Easy Ways To Naturally Remove Upper Lip Hair
If you are uncomfortable with noticeable hair on your upper lip, there are many options to remove it right from the comfort of your home. Upper lip threading or waxing can be painful and you might end up shrieking in the parlor. Since the upper lip hair grows fast, visiting the salon often might interfere with your schedules. Some of the natural options for the most effective home hair removal treatments are mentioned herein.
Turmeric and milk
Turmeric is a natural antiseptic spice that has depilatory properties and is one of the most effective home hair removal treatments. Regular use may result in permanent hair elimination or at least reduction in hair growth. Thoroughly mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a teaspoon of milk. Rub it on the upper lip with your fingers. If you have very dry skin add a little bit of olive oil or coconut oil to the mixture. Once it is dry (around 15 minutes to 20 minutes) rub gently on the opposite side of the hair growth, with wet fingers. Rinse the area with chill water. Apply this on your upper lip at least thrice a week and you will see a gradual reduction in hair growth.
It acts as a peel-off mask and wax strip. You can make this peel-off strip, by mixing a tablespoon of unflavored gelatin with a teaspoon of milk and two drops of lavender oil. Gently heat this mixture in the microwave for about 10 seconds or until it melts. Apply the warm mixture with a wooden spoon or Popsicle stick, on your upper lip. Once it is dry, peel it off against the direction of the hair growth. Make sure you apply the gelatin so it spreads evenly. Only then can you peel it off in one shot. If it gets flaky then it may not peel off smoothly. Rinse with cold water. If it is very painful, place a cube of ice. The ice also helps the pores to close.
Egg white
Mix an egg white with half a teaspoon of cornflour and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix it well until the sugar dissolves and apply it on the upper lip. Once it dries, peel it off like a facemask. Apply ice or cold water as soon as you peel off, to prevent soreness of the skin.
Waxing with warm wax or wax strips is another option for upper lip hair removal. You can thread your upper lip or use a hair removal spring. Apply a soothing gel or an ice pack after waxing or threading as the upper lip tends to get red.
Hair removal cream
It is advisable to go for this method only if you are not going in for any of the other methods of hair removal, either to avoid pain or because you are in a rush to get it done. Hair removal creams help to remove hair, but hair regrowth is very fast after removal. In fact, in a couple of days, you may see hair growth. Always do a patch test on your hand, as the cream contains chemicals, which may cause allergies.
These methods are some of the easiest and effective treatments for the removal of upper lip hair.